Modernisation of painting processes, increased capacity for RIM production and a dramatic reduction in the carbon footprint – the Zlín2 production hall not only makes us happy, but also our customers and the environment. Come and get to know it better.

Production expansion triggered an avalanche of innovation

The dream of having all of RIM’s manufacturing under one roof began taking shape at the beginning of the millennium, when we acquired land in an industrial area near our headquarters. It then became a reality in the autumn of 2019, when the usual production noise rang out in the hall for the first time.

The main advantages of the new production facility are the optimization of the entire process and the location of RIM and SMC technologies, including the paint shop, under one roof.

Well, it was about time! As demand grew, our original premises were no longer sufficient and transporting products from our more remote branches was not as efficient as we would have liked. With the new hall, the distances between production and downstream technologies have been reduced to a minimum, thus optimising the entire production process. Orders are now processed faster, with maximum quality and at lower costs. In addition, the production within a single hall has significantly reduced the ecological burden created during transport.

In addition to the individual RIM production stations, the hall is also equipped with two large presses for sheet moulding compound (SMC) technology. We are one of the few companies in Europe who can produce parts up to 3.5 × 2.5 m. At the same time, we can combine our entire family of RIM technologies (PUR, pDCPD, PA), SMC technology and VF technology even more efficiently to offer customers products tailored to their needs.

“What do we expect from expanding production? Satisfied customers, for whom we have sufficient capacity and can offer new possibilities brought by the modern painting process. But also happier Promens Zlín employees who work in the new environment.”

Roman Bořuta, Sales manager Promens Zlín a.s.

Symbiosis of modern machines and skilled hands

The hall is designed according to the latest standards with a high level of occupational safety. In addition to its cutting-edge moulding technology, one of its main strengths is the painting of medium and large plastic parts.

Robotic painting of medium and large plastic parts.

Our new paint shop covers an area of 5,000 m 2 and we can paint up to 220,000 m2 per year. We design and develop customised painting systems for each application, which are preceded by precise robotic or manual grinding. Depending on the purpose, complexity and number of pieces, we then use a modern Power & Free robotic painting line or start painting on a manual line or in boxes.

Depending on the requirements, we choose the optimal painting technology –⁠ robotic or manual on the line or in boxes.

“Automation significantly speeds up the entire painting process. The optimum shift between the two spraying stations additionally enables Wet to Wet painting, where the layers are ideally connected by spraying into the completely hardened base.”

Roman Bořuta, Sales manager Promens Zlín a.s.

For the well-being of our employees and the planet, the drying room is equipped with the latest technology for the reduction of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), thus meeting strict limits for the release of pollutants into the air.

The drying room at the Zlín2 site is equipped with the latest technology for the reduction of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Complete parts ‘TO GO’

But it doesn’t stop with pressing, sanding, painting and drying. At the request of our customers, we assemble parts into larger units and install wiring, grilles, lights or insulation. The final product leaves the hall perfectly ready to serve its purpose.

We assemble them into larger units and install wiring, grilles, lights or insulation.

The new building also houses a state-of-the-art mould warehouse for RIM and SMC presses, dispatch and offices.

Our new hall in numbers

Commencement of operation: autumn 2019
Area: 19,000 m2
Storage spaces: 10,400 m2
Investment: EUR 25 million
Number of job positions: 150

Innovation is a never-ending process. We therefore continue to monitor new developments in the industry and continuously apply them to keep up with the high demands of our customers.